Court and hearings

Enlarge Time to File (Appeals Court)

If you need more time to file your brief in the Appeals Court, you can use this interview to ask for an enlargement of time.

This interview will help you tell the court:

  • the reason you need to ask for more time,
  • the date by which you are able to file your brief by, within the court guidelines, and
  • create a complete certificate of service.

A copy of the motion must be served on all other parties to the appeal.

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Appeal or Stay Your Eviction

If a judge has given your landlord the right to evict you, you can use this interview to appeal or ask for a stay (temporary delay) in your eviction.

It will help you make a motion for the appeals court and a notice of appeal that will be filed with the trial court. It can also make a request for a fee waiver (affidavit of indigency).

The motion is filed with the Appeals Court and can be efiled.

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Massachusetts Appeals Court Miscellaneous Motion

Use this interview if you would like to file a motion with the Appeals Court not listed elsewhere on this page. For example:

  • Motion for leave to file supplemental appendix
  • Motion for leave to file sur-reply brief
  • Motion to compel assembly of the record
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Civil Action Cover Sheet

If you are filing a civil action in the Superior Court, you must complete a Civil Action Cover Sheet. This form is required for all civil actions filed in the Superior Court.

The form asks for basic information about the parties and the kind of case.

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Interpreter Notice

If your first language is not English, you can use this interview to tell the court that you need an interpreter. The court will provide an interpreter for free during your court hearings.

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Notice of Limited Appearance Representation

If you are an attorney who is providing limited representation in a case, you can use this intervew to notify the court and other parties. This document must be filed to appear in the case without committing to representing the client in full.

Limited appearance can mean many things, including:

  • Representing at trial but not appeal
  • Representing in court for a single hearing
  • Helping the client with a motion but not the whole case

This interview will allow you to send it to another person, such as your client, to get their signature remotely.

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Affidavit of address verification

This interview helps someone in Massachusetts complete an affidavit of address verification.

If you are suing someone to collect money, you need to file an affidavit of address verification to make sure you gave the defendant the right notice of the lawsuit.

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Notice of Appearance Form for Massachusetts Trial Courts

Produces a completed 'Notice of Appearance' Form for Massachusetts which you may need to file to tell the court you showed up to court. If you are an attorney, you may need to file this document to tell the court you are representing someone in a case.

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Motion to Stay General

This interview assembles an appeal of a Housing Court eviction order.

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Petition to Single Justice (Appeals Court)

If you would like a single justice of the Appeals Court to overrule a decision made by the trial court judge that is not yet a final judgment of the court, use this form.

You can use this form to ask the Appeals Court to review the decision for mistakes in the law or abuse of discretion. You must provide a legal reason that the judge's decision was wrong.

You can only seek review of an order of the trial court within 30 days of the trial court judge's decision.

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Motion to Vacate Default Judgment

This interview helps someone in Massachusetts file a Motion to Vacate Default Judgment for Lack of Notice.

If you missed your original court hearing, this form can help you tell the court that you did not get a notice about the hearing. You can use this form to ask the court to remove the judgment against you and give you a new hearing.

You can use this form in any court that you have a case in, including:

  • Boston Municipal Court
  • District Court
  • Housing Court
  • Juvenile Court
  • Land Court
  • Probate and Family Court
  • Superior Court

And you can use it is a small claims case, an eviction case, or any other civil case.

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