
Affidavit Disclosing Care or Custody Proceedings

You can use this interview to make an Affidavit Disclosing Care or Custody Proceedings to tell the judge about:

The form that this interview makes may already be included in other interviews on this site.

More information:

Can I use this interview?

If you are asking a judge to make a decision about the custody or guardianship of a child, the judge needs to know about any other cases involving the child. This helps the judge know if another judge has already made an order about who can take care of the child.

Any person who is part of a family law case or a case about protection from abuse can use this form to tell the judge what they know about other cases involving the child or children.

Before you start

Before you start, you may want to gather information about:

In some cases, you may want to use the MassCourts website to find more about cases that have to do with the children.

Start interview