
Housing Temporary Restraining Order

This interview will help you ask the court for emergency help to stop your landlord from:

You may also use this interview to ask the court to order your landlord to make repairs to your home or to pay you money.

If your situation is more complex, you may want to use GetUpToCode instead. GetUpToCode can help you with more options to find and report housing problems, including the problems listed above.

More information:

Can I use this interview?

This interview can be used by any tenant who is over 18. If you are being evicted in court, you should use MADE instead.

Before you start

This interview will ask you questions about your landlord, your home, and the problems you are having.

Before you start, make sure you have your landlord's contact information. If you think your landlord owes you money, you may also want to find any receipts.

Start interview